Sunday, 16 January 2011


The term “FOREIGN POLICY” is comprised of two words consequently foreign and policy. By the word foreign we indicate any place or country which is situated outside of a country and the word policy refers to principle by following which any state achieved its desired goal. That’s why Padelford, Lincoin and Olvy mentioned that, “policy is the overall result of the process by which a state translates its broadly conceived goals and interests into specific courses of action in order to achieve its objectives and preserve its interests.(1). Foreign policy thus refers the policy of a sovereign state to achieve its desired goals to the foreign countries. Bangladesh is a country of South Asia achieved its independence in 1971 maintain a foreign policy toward the foreign states. Here we will discuss about the foreign policy of Bangladesh.

Definition of foreign policy:
Foreign policy can be defined in various ways as various definitions are given by the foreign policy experts. Some of them are given below:

According to .Merriam Webster dictionary foreign policy indicates,” the policy of a sovereign state in its interaction with other sovereign states”(2).

According to prince Otto von Bismarck,” the extension of domestic policy is foreign policy.”(3).

According to Charles Burton Marshall,” foreign policy indicates states implemented activities or the activities state desires to do in international arena rather than the objectives of state”(4).

According to James Frankel “Foreign policy indicates that type of decisions or collection of activities by any state which is involved with the relation of state or states with that state.”(5).

According to C.V, Crabbe,” Foreign policy is constructed with two elements namely fixing national goals and the medium through which the goals will be fulfilled.”(6).

So from the above discussions we can say that foreign policy refers the policy fixed by a sovereign state to deal the relations with other states to attain it desired goals for maximizing national interest in international arena.

Determinants of Bangladesh Foreign policy:

There are some determinants of Bangladesh foreign policy which have impact on foreign policy formulation. They are given below:
                                                       1. Geographical-Strategic position..
                                                       2. Population.
                                                       3. Economic condition.
                                                       4. Ideological environment.
                                                       5. Military Capability.
                                                       6 Quality of Government, national leadership and diplomacy.
                                                       7. National History.
                                                       8. Religion.
                                                       9. Culture and Natural Resources.

A short description about each of these determinants is given below:

1. Geographical-Strategic position:
Geographical and strategic position always plays a very important role in a country’s foreign policy.  Strategy of a country in international arena is also defined by the geography of a state. That’s why Napoleon Bonaparte once said that,” the foreign policy of a country is determined by its geography.”(7). Bangladesh is not an exception of this. Geography has put Bangladesh as a neighbor of India and Myanmar in three sides except the south with the Bay of Bengal.(8) India has surrounded Bangladesh from three sides and the position of Bangladesh is like a flannel from the bay of Bengal. This position is disadvantageous for Bangladesh and it affects the foreign policy of Bangladesh.

2. Population:
Population is another important determinant of Bangladesh foreign policy. Bangladesh has a huge population of nearby 148 million population are squeezed in an area of 1, 47,000 skm which gives the population density of 1020 persons per skm.(9) most of these huge population are uneducated and inefficient. So Bangladesh foreign policy is largely affected by this huge population negatively because government can’t create a highly dynamic foreign policy because of population.

3. Economic condition:
Economic condition of a country vastly affects the foreign policy of a country. If the economic condition of a country is stable than the foreign policy of a country becomes stronger because the policy implementation is dependent on financial sponsor in a large extent. Bangladesh is very poor in economic condition-the per capita income of Bangladesh is $750.(10).  Thus got the LDC status in international arena and can’t formulate aggressive foreign policy

4. Ideological environment:
Ideological environment is another important determinant in formulation of foreign policy. If any state exists in any ideological environment created by a hedgemon then the foreign policy of that country may be affected by this as it had been seen in the rise of socialism in Eastern Europe during the cold war period. Bangladesh being independent with the help of India one ally of USSR during the cold war period followed the socialism as one of the foreign policy criteria.

5. Military capability:
Military capability fixes the character of any states foreign policy such as whether it will be offensive or defensive. Nuclear power like the U.S.A always formulate offensive foreign policy to achieve its interest while Bangladesh foreign policy in this aspect is defensive because of her lower capability of being non nuclear state and also for dominated by the powerful neighbor states such as India , Pakistan.

6 .Quality of Government, Leadership and diplomacy:
A highly qualified government with dynamic leadership associated with strong diplomat and policymakers can easily formulate a strong foreign policy to implement. The democracy in Bangladesh is not so much strong as its leadership and diplomacy is not so because of various limitations. That’s why the foreign policy of Bangladesh is not so much effective though fulfill at least.

7. National history:
National history is another important determinant of Bangladesh foreign policy. Historically we are allied with the India from the time of independence who was the ally of then USSR. That’s why Bangladesh foreign policy was pro Indian and USSSR. With the change of time policy of Bangladesh changed towards the U.S.A and the Muslim world because of Bangladesh national interest but still Bangladesh pro Indian policy exists because of national history.
8. Religion:
Religion is another determinant which placed its impact upon Bangladesh foreign policy very effectively. At the beginning Bangladesh was a secular state and still it is but at the reign of Zia ur Rahman the status was changed to the Muslim nation by the amendment of constitution because of the will to be favored by the Muslim world. And by another amendment it was abolished. So religious identity of the people played a very important role in the formulation of Bangladesh foreign policy.

9. Culture and Natural Resources:
By culture Bangladeshis are very peaceful and Bangladesh foreign policy thus always effected by this. As a result Bangladesh foreign policy is always peaceful rather than being offensive. Natural resources do not allow Bangladesh to unplanned use because of its scarceness. So Bangladesh foreign policy needs to be more careful about the use of her natural resources.

Principles of Bangladesh Foreign policy:
There are some principles maintained by the foreign policy of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a member of various international key organizations such as the UN, the NAM e.t.c. so the principles of Bangladesh foreign policy can’t be controversial with the principles of these organizations. There are four basic principles of Bangladesh foreign policy. They are given below:
          1. Friendship to all and malice towards none.
          2. Respect to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of other states.
          3. Non interval in the domestic matter of any state.
          4. World peace.

1. Friendship to all and malice towards none:
Bangladesh being a very poor country is dependent on the foreign aid vastly which is provided by the states with various ideologies. That’s why Bangladesh is not willing to support any big power blindly because that will make her bad to the others and as being a less powerful state Bangladesh don’t expect herself at that situation. That’s why the prominent leader of the nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said that,” we are a small country. we want friendship to all and malice towards none.”(11)

 2. Respect to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of other states:
Bangladesh is a member of United Nations. And as UN charter mentioned in article 2(4) that,” All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”(12).-Bangladesh is obliged to obey this and Bangladesh do so. That’s why it became one of the basic principles of Bangladesh foreign policy.

3. Non interval in the domestic matter of any state:
Article 2(7) of the UN charter mentioned that,” Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll.”(13). As a member of united nations Bangladesh included this policy to her principle of foreign policy successfully which gives assudences to other about Bangladesh friendly respectful character without any doubt.

 4. World peace:
Bangladesh want peace in international arena that’s why it formulated world peace as one of the basic principles of her foreign policy as it is also related to her national security and development, that’s why Emajuddin ahmed noted that,” Bangladesh desires peace not only for the sake of peace but also for the strategic consideration of national development and security.”(14). There are various significances of this principles such as Bangladesh believes in peaceful co-operation, peaceful settlement of conflicts and peaceful changes in international arena. Bangladesh in this aspect will never create any threat for international peace. That’s why the leader of the nation Sheikh Mujib once claimed that;” I would like Bangladesh to become the Switzerland of the east.”(15).

Aims of Bangladesh Foreign policy:
As like as other countries Bangladesh foreign policy has some important aims to achieve. Bangladesh foreign policy makers keep these aims and objectives in mind when they formulate the foreign policy. Aims of Bangladesh foreign policy is given below:
1.       To promote national interest.
2.       To ensure national security.
3.       To ensure development.
4.       To increase national dignity
5.       To keep her Ideology alive

1.    To ensure national interest:
Alfred Thayer Mahan once said that,” self interest is not only a legitimate but a fundamental cause for foreign policy, it is vain to expect governments to act continuously on any other ground than national interest.”(16) Ensuring the national interest is one of the main objectives of Bangladesh foreign policy. W.W.Rostow said that,” national interest is the conception which nations apply in trying to influence the world environment in their advantage.”(17) it is states ultimate goal to achieve in any way. That’s why British Prime Minister Lord Palmerstone once said that,” we have no eternal allies and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual and those interests it is our duty to follow.”(18) keeping this keywords in mind Bangladesh foreign policy makers give national interest the highest priority.

2.    To ensure national security:
National security has two dimensions namely internal and external. By the internal dimension we understand the political and economic stability in domestic sphere. It means there is no turbulent situation in Bangladesh domestic sphere. on the other side by the external security we understand the preservation of Bangladesh sovereignty from the external enemies. When policy makers formulate foreign policy they keep this matter and make the policy.

3.    To ensure the development:
Nationwide development is another agenda of Bangladesh foreign policy. So when foreign policy is formulated then it is followed that how development will be generated and for that what type of aid or grant is needed and how it can be attained from whom. By considering all these foreign policy of Bangladesh is formulated.

    4. To increase national dignity:
Increasing national dignity in international arena is another aim of Bangladesh foreign policy. Only national security can’t raise our status in international and regional politics. This can be done by the increasement of national dignity. This can be done by the positive activities in international arena which Bangladesh is doing by participating in UN peace keeping missions and other.

    5. To keep her Ideology alive:
Bangladesh is neither a socialist nor a capitalist country. She is the member of the Non Align Movement. That’s why she don’t like to stay under any of the above mentioned block. She wants peace in the NAM states and also among the others.she wants unity among the NAM states and she also want the more strengthen NAM with the other states. This ideology Bangladesh wants to keep alive by her foreign policy.

Scope of Bangladesh foreign policy:
The foreign policy of Bangladesh is not only confined itself in the diplomatic relations with the other countries but also cover the entire areas of relations in trade, foreign aid, humanitarian and environmental issues in regional and international forums. As a consequences various ministries of Bangladesh government are involved here where the foreign ministry act as the leader of all ministries. For instance with respect to economic relations with other countries and intertactical financial organizations, the lead Departments such as economic resources and finance would constitute the agents of the government. The input of the foreign office would be minimal except the oversight of the economic policy in broad term.

Foreign policy of Bangladesh is a dynamic process rather than being static and the decision making process would invariably take into account the changing realities both in domestic and international issue. Trade, foreign aid and investment appear to be the bread and butter of Bangladesh diplomacy and therefore Bangladesh is necessarily stressing economic diplomacy for the missions abroad.(19)  the recent development of Bangladesh foreign policy is seen in the sphere of environment diplomacy which is seeming to be largest one for the near future

Formulation of foreign policy of Bangladesh:
Formulation of foreign policy of Bangladesh is a complex process followed by some steps which is shortly discussed here. It is formulated by the role of various factors which are shortly discussed here. They are:
1.       Role of Prime Minister to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy.
2.       Role of Foreign Minister to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy
3.       Role of the Parliament to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy
4.       Role of the political Parties to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy
5.       Role of the communities to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy
6.       Role of the Public opinion to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy

By the interaction of the above mentioned factors role foreign policy of Bangladesh is formulated. Their roles are discussed here shortly

1.     Role of Prime Minister to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy:
Bangladesh has a democratic system followed by the Westminster Parliamentary system. The prime minister is visually not more than an executive here but practically the most powerful person.  According to the 1972 constitution the Prime minister is the executive head of the government.(20) as a head of the government the Prime Minister recruit the other ministers including the Foreign Minister also. The Prime Minister gives the direction of foreign policy. The present one for Bangladesh is “Digital Bangladesh”. Prime Minister is also responsible to the parliament for the policy.. Prime Minister can also form kitchen cabinet for the foreign policy making.

2.     Role of Foreign Minister to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy:
The Foreign Minister is the head of the Bangladesh foreign ministry. As the head of the foreign ministry the person monitor the foreign policy related issue of the Bangladesh. Foreign Minister with the permission of the Prime Minister gives direction to other ministry to implement the foreign policy. Foreign Minister along with foreign ministry recruits the diplomat and other person for diplomatic missions. They also have visit to other countries and held conferences with the visitors for discussing foreign policy related issues.

3.     Role of the Parliament to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy
In the west minister parliament system parliament is the place where any national issue is discussed among the executives of government elected by the people of the states. The foreign policy is also discussed here and the final decision comes from here. Bangladesh parliament is Unicameral in structure. The elected MPs debate here about the dimension and flaws of the policy and the next step is taken from here to implement the foreign policy

 4 Role of the political Parties to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy:
According to Edmand Burk,” A political party is a body of men united for promoting by their join endeavors the national interest upon some political principles in which they agreed.:(21) thus if government make any government tries to make any foreign policy which they seem not relevant with national interest from their point of view-they try to resist that policy by their activities such as discussion at parliament and raisin public opinion against that policy. They also can provide recommendation to the government for making a better foreign policy. Thus political parties of Bangladesh play very important role to formulate foreign policy.

     5. Role of the communities to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy:
In a country like Bangladesh a lot of community exists with their interests. A community is actually a group of people who have a common interest to fulfill. If the foreign policy taken by the government become controversial with their interests they try to resist the government for not to take the policy. They pressurize the government to take the policy in favor of their common interest. Such communities are like the business community, labor community e.t.c.

6. Role of the Public opinion to formulate Bangladesh foreign policy:
Lowell defined public opinion as,” in order that an opinion may be public a majority is not enough and unanimity is not required but the opinion must be such that while the minority may not share it, they feel bound by conviction not by fear to accept it and if democracy is complete, the submission of the minority must be given ungrudgingly.”(22) so the public opinion is accepted as the opinion of public who are existing in a fearless environment. Public opinion plays very important role to formulate foreign policy. If the policy government wants to implement is controversial or against with the public opinion government most of the time can not implement that policy because of resist from the people.

So from the above discussion it can be said that formulation of foreign policy of Bangladesh is following a systematic process.

Dynamics of Bangladesh foreign policy:
Earlier it has been mentioned that Bangladesh foreign policy is not static but dynamic. The dynamics of Bangladesh foreign policy are two in number. They are:

1. Internal dynamics
Internal dynamics of Bangladesh foreign policy is dominated by some factors such as internal politics, society’s services, internal resources and the others. The most important internal dynamics of Bangladesh foreign policy probably is the India factor. Internal natural resources such as gass, coal are also plays important contribution in internal dynamics of Bangladesh foreign policy.

2. External dynamics:
Factors like power politics of the world powers regarding Bangladesh and its neighbors, economic aid by the various countries and organization with and without prescription, presence and activities in international organization like UN.SAARC, NAM and others, direction of security plays very important role on the external dynamics of Bangladesh foreign policy.

Weaknesses and Limitations of Bangladesh Foreign policy
Bangladesh has some weaknesses from the view points of the foreign policy analysis and thus has some limitations also. The weaknesses and limitations of Bangladesh foreign policy are given below:
              I.      The geographical location of Bangladesh is not advantageous. It is surrounded by India from three sides. Thus in Bangladesh foreign policy India plays a very big role (most of the time dominating). It is not possible for us to avoid India. Though a policy like the Look East was tried and still in under process but not proved so effective.

           II.      We have a large population and Bangladesh’s  society is uni lingual. There is absence of feudal society in Bangladesh. So people of Bangladesh has unity in this sense but this can’t give Bangladesh an advantage because her peoples lacking of education, poverty and less efficiency.

         III.      In Bangladesh there is multi party political system in democracy. But this doesn’t give Bangladesh so many advantages to Bangladesh because sometimes these parties placed their party interest upon national interest.

        IV.      Economic condition of Bangladesh is very poor. That’s why she is dependent on foreign aid which she has to use by obeying the prescription provided by the donor countries and organizations. Thus she can’t take a policy according to her own will only but with the interest of other countries.

           V.      The natural resources of Bangladesh can’t be used accordingly because she has no sufficient ability to use those and that’s why dependent on foreign powers and that’s why foreign policy of Bangladesh has to consider their interests also.

        VI.      The standard of the diplomacy generated by the Bangladesh can’t be very good because of various lacking. Thus Bangladesh becomes affected in various treaties and diplomatic missions.

      VII.      The gap between the government and public is very much because the bureaucracy-the medium of communication of people with t here is very much corrupted. Thus the public opinions access in foreign policy is denied many times and foreign policy can’t bring welfare.

   VIII.      Many problems such as terrorism, natural disasters limited Bangladesh’s capacity to formulate a strong foreign policy. It’s a big limitation for Bangladesh

         IX.      National power of Bangladesh are limited because of her capability limitation in various factors such as military capability, use of natural resources e.t.c- this limited the strength of Bangladesh foreign policy in international arena.

           X.      Bangladesh’s national character is that-it believes in peaceful co-existence. Thus Bangladesh ideologically do not formulate any aggressive policy which realist think as one of the most big limitation of Bangladesh Foreign policy.

Bangladesh foreign policy: prospects for change:
Bangladesh foreign policy as mentioned above is not a very much effective one yet. So to make effective one Bangladesh authority should take some steps mentioned below:
ü      The ultimate aim of any states foreign policy is to capitalize ones national interest which is not changeable at the cost of anything. But in Bangladesh it is seen that with the change of government policy changes which harm the national interests. This must be avoided
ü      The political party’s opinions are open avoided in the formulation of foreign policy of Bangladesh.  Most of the times the critics are made by the parties are negative. This trend should be avoids. If the criticisms are positive government should take it seriously for consideration.
ü       In international arena Bangladesh is seen to compromise with her national interests. This should be avoided carefully.
ü      Government should also take the public opinion and the interest of the important community without compromising her national interests to formulate foreign policy.
ü      The standard of the diplomacy should be increased highly to capitalize the gain from diplomatic missions sent to many countries and international organizations.
ü      The people of Bangladesh are very poor. The poverty should be eradicated to create positive internal dynamics in foreign policy of Bangladesh.
ü      The natural resources should be used properly to increase national power. Government should generate development equally for all areas of the country, steps should be taken to solve internal problem including steps to prevent natural calamity, terrorism e.t.c
ü      Bi-lateral relationships should be maintained with various countries by maximizing highest national interest for Bangladesh and policy should be made to associate this.
From the above discussion it can be said that Bangladesh should be more authentic to formulate its foreign policy and the implementation should be stronger.
In the end of the discussion we can conclude that foreign policy of Bangladesh is not still a strong one though being very dynamic in recent years which is reflected on the sea boundary issue with the India and Myanmar. It is also reflected in the COP-15 conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark-where Bangladesh protested the greatest powers of the world by diplomacy with the other LDC states by demanding a sum for the reparations of the environment degradation. So at last if can be expected that in the near future Bangladesh foreign policy will be strongest one which will associate to improve her status in international arena.

  1. Norman.j.padelford, George.A.Lincoin and Lee D.Olvy The Dynamics of International Politics {New York: Macmillan publishing, third edition,19976) p.201
  2. available at cited on 20/11/2010 at 8.14 pm
  3. quoted in Abdul Halim, principles of international relations(Dhaka: Mowlabrothers publishing, 2nd edition,2009) p.242
  4. C.B.Marshall, the limits of foreign policy in Michael Curtis(ed) the nature of politics p.582
  5. Joseph Frankel, the making of Foreign policy,p.1
  6. C.V, Crabbe American foreign policy in the nuclear age p.1
  7. quoted in Norman D Palmer and Haward C Perkins international Relations: the world community is in transition(Calcutta :Scientific Book Agency,1970)p.35
  8. Harun-ur-Rashid Bangladesh in international affairs()p.217
  9. quoted from Mohammed A. Mabud: PhD Bangladesh Population: Prospects and Problems, Department of Life SciencesNorth South UniversityDhaka December 15, 2008
  10. available at last cited at 10.35pm at November 20,2010
  11. The Times London, January 15,1972
  12. available at last cited at 12.15 am 20/11/2010
  13. available at last cited at 12.17 am 20/11/2010
  14. Emajuddin ahmed Bangladesh and the policy of peace and nonalignment , Asian affairs, Vol iii , NO;2 (june,1981) p.126
  15. quoted in Abdul Halim, principles of international relations(Dhaka: Mowlabrothers publishing, 2nd edition,2009) lbid p.248
  16. Norman.j.padelford, George.A.Lincoin and Lee D.Olvy The Dynamics of International Politics {New York: Macmillan publishing, third edition,19976) p.233
  17.  quoted in Norman.j.padelford, George.A.Lincoin and Lee D.Olvy The Dynamics of International Politics {New York: Macmillan publishing, third edition,19976) p.233
  18. lbid,p234
  19. Harun-ur-Rashid Bangladesh in international affairs()p.214
  20.  M, A, Salam Constitution of Bangladesh (Dhaka,, published by Center for Information and Justice,1st edition,20063rd print May 2009). P.38
  21. quoted from Political theory: principles of political science by R. C. Agarwal ( S. Chand Company ltd 13th edition 3rd reprint 2007)p.390
  22. lbid p.401